Monday, October 10, 2011

A start to the handmade season....

So, I am pretty excited over the idea of a Handmade Holiday....and am so happy that Tonya over at Plain and Joyful Living is hosting it again this year!

But I am still in the brainstorming stage....

I have determined that I will be making a shawl for a family member - and using the green yarn I picked up in Maine. 

I am currently working very hard to actually move it from a skein to a ball...;)  It looked so easy, but now, looks like my cat attacked it...let's just say that I am enjoying the meditative properties of untangling this web...

I was blessed with some time with just me and my son this weekend (my was daughter off to a friend house on Saturday - she was SO excited!!) and this made a trip to the library much for managable.  So... I cleared them out of crochet and knitting books.  Well, not totally....I must have left a few, at least.

In particular, I checked out the "Encyclopedia of Crochet" by Donna Kooler.  This pattern on page 180 looks like a winner for the shawl I have in mind - I don't normally follow patterns, but for this project, I want to give it a try...

Outside of this shawl, I have not made any solid moves towards putting together handmade holiday gifts, but I have been gathering ideas....

My daughter has requested a stuffed cat for holidays - a red one to be exact.  I am looking forward to learning how to do that. 

In addition, I have been working on felting lately, and would love to get a good enough handle on the art so that I can make slippers for some extended family far, I have made myself a part of slippers that are lovely, but a bit on the small side, and then a gray pair that, unfortunately, were not made from pure wool and did not felt...  :(

So, I am just at the beginning of this holiday prep process, but I am excited.  With the help of Tonya's blog at Plain and Joyful Living, I am started early and am looking forward to seeing everyone elses ideas as well.

For other ideas (and inspiration!) check Tonya's blog for the Monday Handmade Holiday postings.  That's where I am heading!!


  1. Oh, that pattern for the shawl looks beautiful.

    My husband actually enjoys untangling yarn for me:)

    Thank you so much for joining in!
    Warm wishes,

  2. Love the shawl pattern as well. I keep telling myself that I need to learn to crochet. Have tried a couple of times, but it just isn't clicking yet.

    I am knitting some felted slipper for Christmas this year as well as a few scarfs and hats.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  3. I always mean to learn more crochet. I know the basics and it stops there, the instant gratification is so nice sometimes. I have a double crochet baby sweater pattern that is my go-to when I'm in the middle of what seems like an endless knitting project.


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