Thursday, September 1, 2011

A new rhythm....

So, the kids are back in school.  And a more certain rhythm is returning to our life. 

Now, five days a week, the days will begin and end on more certain terms.  Children will rise to prepare for a new day of learning within that brick building and will fall asleep at earlier hours, after more scheduled dinners and homework sessions.  Much of the unpredicatability of the day will leave us.

This change is occurring just as work in the garden is slowing least for the moment.  We rushed to harvest as much as possible before Irene arrived, and now there are very few crops left to deal with.  We do have the garden expansive left to work on this Fall, but that will be put off for a few more weeks.

So, in the meantime, we work to settle into this new routine.  And look forward to the calming sense of peace that this rhythm will bring us.

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