Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks on Thanksgiving...

To all of my friends celebrating the day, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

We have much to give thanks for on this day....

I am thankful for my family...

my daughter who spent a peaceful morning coloring a beautiful picture of turkeys....

my son who is trying to tackle Star Wars on the Wii....


my husband who stole the espresso I just brewed for myself....

I am thankful for my extended family - especially my mother who is roasting a turkey and preparing a spread to feast upon...

and all of our friends who continuely touch our lives with their blessed presence....

We are very lucky...

and very thankful.


  1. I am thankful I have such a wonderful person to work with!

  2. Lee Ann, I am very thankful to have fund you through your blog :) Hope you have a great one! xx

  3. Thanks Ladies!! I am so grateful to have such wonderful souls in my life!!


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