Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hard decisions...

Yesterday was a day of hard decisions.

I have been doing some big thinking about what fills my time each week.  There is so much to do, as I am sure is a common issue with everyone, and not nearly enough time to do it all.

Between home, family, work, and my volunteer position, I am always on the go, and I am usually off homestead these days. 

Therefore, yesterday, I made the hard decision to leave my volunteer position at a local farm.

I contacted this farm in the late Spring, once the busy season at work had ended, as a way to gain homesteading knowledge while helping to support my community.  The knowledge I have gained is priceless, and I hope the farm feels that I made a positive contribution to them as well. 

I sent the difficult email (my prime contact method with the farm) yesterday, and the response I received from them was very understanding.  I am so very appreciative of their positive attitude and the open invitation they gave me to stop by anytime.  I know that I will.

By reducing my off-homestead commitments, I will now increase my time on our own expanding gardens (which are planned to grow by at least 400% in the next 9 months), my family, and my non-homesteading career (which is wonderful, and I enjoy very much). 

I feel sad, a bit horridly selfish, but solid in my decision.  It was the right decision.  But sadly, that doesn't make it any easier.

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