Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A quiet morning...

All is quiet this morning, so far....

Chickens are up and out.  The cats are fed, and the guinea pigs are ready for the day.  The children, however, are not ready.  In moments, I will have to climb the stairs to their rooms and try oh-so-very hard to pry them from their beds.  This will be easy for the son, but the daughter...oh, that is a challenge.  Why oh why is seven the new seventeen?  And just how hard is the real seventeen going to be?

I tried sorting through the file pile this morning, without much luck or stamina.  But, I did re-find the heirloom seeds that I recently ordered off of an online auction.  I know that the standard growing season is coming to an end in a month - maybe two.  But, I have high hopes for a second harvest.  The garden has recently been expanded (afterall, who needs grass?), and I was blessed by the neighbors with a gift of old deck rails.  I am in the process of building structures that will stand over the raised beds, to be covered with greenhouse plastic in the early Fall.  With luck, this plan will work and the growing season will be extended another month past normal.  Fingers crossed.

But, for now, I must get off this couch and drag my children from their beds.  Preschool/Summer Camp/Work awaits....

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